here is florence villa minot. -- florence via minot -- florence villa minot. controversial liberal reform plan from the government, the so-called -- the law is set to kick off a marathon in the french government. we have been talking about this for weeks and months now and remember, the elcon rate law mrirked protests -- the el co law sparked protests across the country, along with the "up all my" movement. the parliament is going to be up all night debating this labor reform, clever plan. doug: how likely will they be opening up? this is far than a done deal because mp's have filed 5000. gordy votes are missing for the reformed to be adopted with or by a majority. the parliamentary debates could be the final blow for the law. catherine: the labor minister defended a product in le parisien. flo: you can see a quote from her interview. should we give in to pressure .rom the street you can see her quite defined in the face of many protesters we have seen across the country. let's take a look inside. a similar play on words. khomri is getting ready to be up all n