commissioner flores. fang, i commissioner. afaÍ i commissioner francois fang, with three votes in the affirmative. you have. it has unanimously. unanimously?now call agenda item five. discussion and possible action regarding proposed stipulation decision and order in for a better san francisco advocacy at j. chang, i'd like to invite our direc of enforcement, becky matthews to please introduce the. actually, one bit before miss matthews. thank you i would like to provide an opportunity for any of my fellow commissioners to make any statements that they'd like to make. all right you, vice chair, i wanted to make ais and invite my fellow commissioners to make a motion authorizing me to recuse from this. the reason for was appointed to the commission, i made a donation organizations on the campaign in then district attorney chesaudin. this is not a required recusal. recusal? i h financial interest in the issue. and this doesn't rise to a due process conflict. i have no doubt that i could faant factors in reviewing the propriety of