a dramatic scene in floriia over the weekend... after a toddler oy nearly drowns...rom falling into a river.two men... who witnessed the wholl thing happen... jumped in to impossible... and one man was -3 in desperate need of a escue himself. "and aa that point in tiie &pthat it was o or omething was going to happen." happen."quickly... others rushhd to the scene.a third man jumped in... pulling the group to shore.thanks to the help of a few good sammritans... everyone made it out alive. coming up on the early edition....scandellis rockkng his presidential ampaign. &pi have never acted inappropriattly with aayone, pe. period.reppblican hopeful herman cain issfighting off accusations againss him by four women... accusing him of sexual harrassment.what cain says about one of his accusers. accusers. ((break 1)) 3 nasa is releasing new radar images... of an asteroid thht passed y earth last night.these are some of the rock.it assed within 200- thousand miles of our planet. residents on the east coast had the best view of the asteroid... if they were using a telescope. ((