does note have flouride. despite the fact that the water is one of the biggest breakthroughs of the century. los altos is considering whether or not to add the .7 to 1.2 parts per million credited with a decline in tooth decay. they don't add flouride. about 70% have flouride in the water and 30% in california is lower. we have a more complicated water system publicly. the pros are a decrease in cavities because the flouride strengthens the enamel of teeth. in three kids start kindergarten with tooth decay. a review in 2000 found roughly 40%. too much can stain the teeth which is not harmful, but it's permanent. while flouride increases bone density, it doesn't reduce the risk of fracture. people got sick with diarrhea, vomiting and nausea. when there is money available, communities do have to add flouride to the water. that hasn't been the case in many communities here in california. these tough budget times and there is a public trust that aims to help raise the $4 to $9 million. if you top the hear more in