. >> by ending use of through flouride in the water. >> i said what was the thinking? >> people very often criticize the government for being a dinosaur not changing with the times, we're looking at one aspect of what we do, and we're deciding what was right in the 50s, is not right in the year 2015. >> the township of east brunswick spends 70,000 a year to rad add flouride on water it was added in water in 1940s because medical community convinced us by adding that it would help prevent tooth decay. but the mayor and business admintraitor are saying it is antiquated. youyou can find it in different forms, you can find it in tooth paste, and a lot of people don't drink tap water any more much. if they do drink tap water it is a small portion. they clean and do the dishes. that is the whole debate, how much flouridi helps and how much does not they would like to opt out. bill: i heard there is some practices, maybe they are ant quited with flouride in the tooth paste, but for average person they are probably drinking the tap water it is conclusive over 50 years of studi