the solutions include a rational wage rate linked to the highest of flsa or state minimum wage, plus 10% to 15%. to help preclude wage stagnation, binding mediation and arbitration, the fast track of worker grievances and avoid costly lawsuits, allow farmers and workers to share the benefits of the program to also share the fixed cost, streamline the overly bureaucratic processes that discourage participation, allow access to the program to encourage wider participation and provide easy to understand processes for farmers and farm workers to comply with immigration law. in addition, these reforms must include clear administrative -- sorry, clear statutoan that explicitly defines the role and reach of the administrative agency, so that farmers are not continually whip-sawed and subjected to different legal interpretations and regulations with every executive branch change. legislation to reform the agricultural guest worker program has been introduced in the house and senate in this congress by members from both political parties. it is clear there is a bipartisan political agreement