check real—time traffic information on flv file president erdogan .com. -- flv 511 on flv file presidentlorida's motor fuel import tax for five days to bring more fuel to our state for storm response and recovery. this will make our ever to bring in fuel from neighbouring states after the storm easier. we know fuel is important and we are doing everything we can with the state resources to address the problem to ensure we have fuel immediately for everybody for first responders and rescue efforts. every single florida guardsman who has been called up has been deployed to prepare and respond to this storm. we have so many members of the law enforcement community who are putting their lives at risk to help floridians get safe and they will not stop until it is no longer safe. we cannot thank them enough. that was the governor, governor scott updating floridians on the latest concerning hurricane irma. listening to that it sounded as if this really was the last chance to get yourself to a shelter, 385 currently open and there's more opening before irma hits. their main concern is the fuel a