we have had a good bit of time to discuss all the aspects of the savings strategy, and i think the fmc is not comfortable with holding securities until they mature, some of which are 30 years, and we want to move more quickly than that to a balance -- precrisis balance sheet. but sales would be slow, gradual, announced and advanced, and would not have market impacts. you mentioned adding insult by selling into a weak market. the situation we would be selling is one where we're trying to tighten because the economy is back. so we wouldn't be doing not a really week economy. >> i appreciate that that's the only mechanism of the three that actually shrinks the size of the fed's balance sheet. i'm very concerned about the timing of this and what the end result might be. i appreciate you comments. thank you: thank thaw -- than, mr. chairman. >> the gentleman from new jersey. >> thank you very much, mr. chairman. mr. chairman, good morning to you. thank you for being here. my principle concern on many occasions in this committee, with many different witnesses, continues to be levels of feder