you know, you remind me of an even slower -- i say you remind me of an even slower version of foghorn leghorn. [laughter] anyway, the girls are actually doing some construction work around the studio. geoff is having a new ass. right, geoff? geoff: yes, it is made of titanium. craig: yes. it is made of titanium. tune in tomorrow for a new robo, ,,,,,,,,,, a new kind of weight loss challenge that is really paying off. why is especially a good bet for men. good evening we have big breaking news in the sierra lamar's case tonight. the 15 year-old sierra lamar's has been missing now for two months but nice investigators tell us that she was murdered and that they have the man in custody. he is a 21 year-old man from morgan hill and works at the safeway store their his name is incident garcia thorez he was booked into santa clara county jail facing charges of murder and kidnapping. we are expecting a news conference in just moments again sierra lamar's police believe that they had arrested her killer. new speaker we have a check now with robert lyles who was at the shares department as we speak an