president follansbee, i'm going to unmute your -- president follansbee, can you hear us?t follansbee. >> i'm here. >> great. >> sorry about that. i'm trying to deal with an emergency here. okay, there were no public comments? >> no. >> correct. so moved and seconded that we accept the meetings of december 2nd, 2021, and meeting of december 21st. any opposition? it passes unanimously. thank you. sorry about the delay. if we can move on to item 5. >> item 5 is general public comment, an opportunity for members of the public to comment on any matter within the board's jurisdiction, including anything not on the agenda or requesting a matter on a future agenda. i'll pull up our instructions. public comment will be available for each item on the agenda. each speaker is allowed three minutes to comment in length unless the board president deemed new public comments during the meeting. a caller may ask questions but there's no obligation to engage in dialogue with the caller. when i welcome you on, you are encouraged to state your name but you may remain anonymous. when three mi