president follansbee. >> present. >> vice president canning excused. commissioner breslin. >> here. >> supervisor chan is arriving momentarily. >> commissioner hao. >> present. >> commissioner scott. >> present. >> commissioner zvanski. >> present. >> we have a quorum. >> thank you. before the next item i want to announce that the health service board appreciates all of the members and public for send g.e. mails to us. we receive them and read them carefully. several we have reviewed several e-mails for this meeting. several deal with an item that will be covered in the director's report which is agenda item 7. i don't want to discourage anybody from commenting in item 5. if it refers to a topic in the director's report i would request that the public and members limit their comments to that agenda item. i understand there are time constraints. we are not going to reject comments under item 5. if you can we appreciate it. with that, i would like to move to agenda item 3. >> agenda item 3. resolution allowing teleconferenced meeting under california gov