so the governorance committee will be chaired by commissioner follansbee and it will include commissioner scott and zvanski. commissioners canning and hao will be members of the committee. board colleagues are there any questions or comments on this item? >> i move that we approve the assigned committee members for the next fiscal year as presented. >> second. >> it's been moved and seconded. let's open it up for public comment. >> thank you, vice president hao. public comment will be held in-person first then virtual public comment. for anyone waiting in-person you're welcome to approach the podium now. each speaker will be allowed three minutes, all public comments can be made concerning the agenda item that is presented. they may ask questions of the body. for those callers on the line, i want to welcome you on the call, although you may remain anonymous. when your 3 minutes have ended, you'll be placed back on mute and the moderator will review the next caller. online using web ex, opportunities to speak during the comment time. the dial-in number, is 415-655-0001. when prompted use a