the fourth finding, there have, of course, been followses at federal and state level that have helped incentivize, and this committee itself has been very active in that, helped us in both efficient technologies and promoted adoption in the marketplace. many of these policies, i would suggest to you actually followed on the price increases that drove the incentives for the marketplace as well as the political incentive for congress and others to make decisions. now, let me suggest to you that why this picture is in my view a very positive development compared to where we were ten years ago, obviously, it was marred in the past couple of years by that massive blowout in the gulf of mexico and marred by the events at fukushima. these are high-risk operations, we are in a position around the world where we do things bigs, we're going to be taking big risks, and we have to be smart to the extent we can mitigate. i think we have a serious responsibility, governments and industry, to minimize their impact. now, this new natural gas supply is the overwhelming development in our energy pictur