. -- fomg. -- following. the lack of housing that threatens california. california has become the most expensive in the nation. the excessive cost of the housing supplies is caused by the activity and policies of many local government that limit the housing and require that high fees be paid by producers of housing. amongst the consequence are discrimination among those in households and imbalances in jobs and reduced mobility, urban small and excessive community and air quality deterioration. we don't under. we would say you are not allowed to say something is code compliant to move our city in a direction toward environmental sustainablity. it really is the right thing to do for the city that so plainly is in front of us. >> good evening. i'm the director of the marsh's youth program of the marsh theatre. i want to comment. thank you for the passage of conditions that you did pass at your last meeting . i want to comment on a couple of those conditions. one is the construction hour that limited the construction until 4:00 on weekend. it's a great progra