. >> good afternoon commissioner president fong jonathan planning department staff the item before you is a request equivocation for the proposed project on the ground floor of on existing mixed use building on valencia street the existing mixed use cantonese 18 dwelling units and commercial space and a below market rate the project sites is on the northeast corner of valencia street within the valencia commercial transit zoning district and tight and bulk district the project is seeking conditional use authorization tossing allow a learn 3 thousand square feet in the zoning district for the planning code additionally the project is seeking conditional use authorization to allow modifications to the rirmentsdz the planning code section for number one residential to occupy more than 75 feet of continuous along the street in the valencia m t sdrn on may 21st the planning commission established the mixed use occupying 5 on may 21st the project sponsor proposed a small component within the lobby area upon review the planning commission requested the project sponsor install a retail space a