to occur, in the 20th century unites his public investment was a driving force behind innovation that increase efficiency, a u.s. public investment in agriculture research and development has decreased steadily since 2002, being surpassed by china, actually in 2008 and i think our witnesses for being here today to share the challenges and opportunities, reverse the draft, and make, smart wise investments, i think all of you, are all, here great collaboration this, committee trying to find ways to reduce, barriers it spur innovation, in a private sector, public sector, and research institutions and universities as well there's tremendous work going, on if you go recognize, that known to be helpful in reducing the hurdles of barriers, so i would like to ask unanimous, consent the numbers of five legislative, days tissue statements supporting which are as to the, record and if there's no further business to calm before the committee, you are adjourned. >> how do on she spends washington journal, live every, day with news and policy issues that impact, you, coming up this morning, texas republican michael burqas joins us to discuss the future health care. t