r to first and foreeost,,snowden must appeal to theefederal migrationnserrices.white ouse spokesmmn jay carney sayss grantinggeven temporrry "run counter" to moscow's wantinggto damage u.s.-russia relations.((sot carney)) platform or mr snowden runs da government's previous - declarationssof rrssiaas neutrrlity. this wwile some lawmakers - such as chairman pommittee miccael mccaullsays the administration needs to be doiig more. ((mccaul sot)) mcccul: i think we shoulddbe putting aay and all pressure we have, conomic, trade. i ttink the restart buttoo with back on camm) one state department officials says any countty granting asyllu to snowden would reatt grrve relationship with the u--.... &piinwashingttnn elizabeth prann, fox nees an evvntful afternoon outsiie john kerry's mssachusetts posssssing an open containnr while parked nnaa the secretarr of state'' ouse. snapping pictures.kerry'ss the foottall hall of fame hass-3 rrmoved aa hoto of former patrioos playyr aaon comppaints from several visitors &pvissiors.hernannez... who's phe 2010 photo of hernandez 3g - scoring a ttuchhown... w