. >> a person i lost on 9/11 that i was the closest to was key forkeith roy maynard, really great guyhat came to us, training classes and so on and join the volcker in society on the executive board.board. he was a great guy. his girlfriend was my wife's best friend. it was very sad when he passed away. that was always one of my biggest fears. somebody i helped get onto the job would pass away. so it was very difficult. >> i just wanted to piggyback. i think that during all of this time and also with the department, people have a tendency when the victim and not blame the person who had done in the 1st place. people need to take a look at the fire department. department. don't look at the people that were on. north people deserve to have a quality of life. i just want to go to work, go home command of a vacation, have a great quality of life i don't want to have a hostile environment. i just want to work, do what i want to do, go home i want to do, go home and take care of myself. you can't blame the people who were victimized. you have to see it for what it is an understand and stop