formationa, that reaches its salvation most exposure. we have animals that are unique to oklahoma. we have a giant apatosaurus. if you stress that tell out, it would be 92 feet long or something like that. it really quite an impressively large sauropad. interestingly, we found that together, these bones of a juvenile. these are very uncommon. it's funny, and i should tell you that most of this material, all this material is collected in the late 1930's as a result of the w.p.a. project. and so we were assembling these collections, just lickety-split, and they didn't have time to prepare them or anything so. when i came about 30 years ago in the late 1980's, we were unwrapping these bones for the first time, and i can tell you the bones of this baby is really cool. you could follow day-to-day, you could follow day-to-day the baby lindbergh kidnapping or the hindenburg disaster, period newspapers in the 1930's. and it wasn't until we unwrapped these and thought, oh, my goodness, these are not just franchise tag ams of small bones, these are baby dinosaurs. so we mounted this definite