he talked about formspring. friend of mine that would call me basically every night and she would be literally crying and bawling her eyes out because of stuff that would go on formspring like you're fat, you should just kill yourself. we don't need you in our school, the world would go on without you. >> yet kids want to be on these sites which is one of the interesting things. you have to put up your own account on this site. >> that's where the action is, and people want to know what's going on and get the buzz about music or, you know, what's happening with a movie or this or that. they want to be there because that's where people are going, but then if you get singled out there, and this is the problem that i was alluding to earlier, anderson, your child can be in your own home. i mean, it used to be the bullies were at the schoolyard. you would come home, okay, now you're safe at least in your own home. or if you were really getting picked on at school, you can say, you know what? we're going to leave this