is a dog that doesn’t bark, everything else, ’99, here are the articles that were published there foroncolleagues who are involved in policy formation should still reconsider our attitude towards such a norm as non-interference in internal affairs, because well, they’re interfering in our internal affairs, they have elections on the fifth, i mean november, why don’t we evaluate these elections, why should we, we said our candidate biden, yes our candidate, we will support biden in every possible way, otherwise he will fall to support. baide, yes, our candidate, the candidate, all our intelligence agents were told to write on all ballots. i can’t, i need to leave russia urgently, mcdonald’s says i must have a delicious point i can’t, says mcdonald’s compared to european leaders and the same barel, we told them not to go there, but some of them went, no, it amazes me, it means sending troops on the one hand, and sending an ambassador on the other, but this is an army, for now alone, i beckon, i beckon, i ’ve done my job, groan, and then, whoever is there and it’s macron, i’ve done my busi