talking about going back at all-- we're closer to fort stad than we are anyplace else. he gets through,h, we'll have little to worry about. i sure hope he gets through. well, good morning, doctor. will ya? we're gonna pull out as soon as we can. rig your wagons for battle. tell every single driver to keep up close and to circle up at the first sign of i iian attack. i don't care if they hear the order or not- circle up and get ready for a fight. any wagon pulls out of line, we haven't got time to stop and pick 'em up, pull 'em back in again. is that clear? indians! let 'em try and touch me! take cover! stand fast! make no move that looks like resistance! no firing whatsoever unless i give the order! get me a whwhe rag on a stick. all that talk about resistance-- them indians are here to fight, not talk. e arli but i'm gogotry k major, are you sure this is the right thing to do? miss-- m ashame don't even know your first name. calling you doctor after what happened last night doesn't sese right. what i mean is-- what i'm trying to say is-- well, it's difficult-- it's imp