they haveeen less than forthcing. john is right.the private sector you are punished for doing illegal things or making mistakes. in government you are rewarded. rewarderred with more workers and more funding. >> you are also more einitiate the private sector. the private sector came out with mbers like these, spending that much money on the few enrollees would they be in existence? >> they would not. >> private sector is more efficient because if you are not, you are put out of business. business cannot exexist without investment. if you misuse the capital they put you out of business. in government again, when you fail, you fail upward on the way to more funding for the failed ideas. >> clearly you have seen that happen before, have you not in government? >> sure you have. i'll tell you what i find really troubling. why are you all presuming bad behavior on the part of navigators? you have one bad apple. there are people whoorked in this building where we're sitting who were turned out to be bad apples. you don't judge a class of p