fortoo but other people need us too like women. for too long, but other people need us too like women. fortoo long, government stayed silent as women were sacked for saying that a man cannot be a woman. ifought for them for saying that a man cannot be a woman. i fought for them while labour called them bigots and it wasn't until the snp put a sex offender in a women's prison that they understood the fate i was leading. we won that battle, nicola sturgeon has gone and labour now accept our argument —— understood the fight i was leading. we are conservatives, elected to conserve what is great about our country. we cannot survive as the left denigrate our history and pull down our monuments. we must not be afraid as we were in batley, we must not be afraid to get involved where a teacher was driven into hiding by islamist thugs or when the very worst crimes were committed, when young girls were groomed and raped four years in rotherham and rochdale, and nothing happened —— for years. rochdale, and nothing happened —— foryears. nothing