robert levin though speak of buying a 3 mil victory over labor accusing way in great shape against fortunatus with golf when your own buddy in their 1st ever been as leader point with an away draw opt out book and don't win of course produce a comeback win against cologne to guarantee themselves 6 points for a possible 6 perfect start to the season for received women as well ok tom thanks very much tom get away for us from the sports just well this year germany is marking 30 years since the fall of the notorious berlin wall now 3 decades on it's often no longer easy to distinguish where the west ended and the wall and the east began that's where technology today is stepping it. this tour group is traveling through time from the outside they're not moving at all but with their virtual reality goggles they're headed on a tour bus into the east berlin of the early 1980 s. so. that she. is dead nights as a city tour as a 3 dimensional panoramic experience courtesy of a computer set that's. based seats in transit to. come back to the present what's the verdict on top of that you really get immerse