this is "nightly biness report" fothursday, july 30. "nhtly business report" is made possible by: this progr was made possible by contributions to yourbs station from viewers like u. thank you. 7//& >> suzanne: good evening everyone. health care rerm won't come up for a vo in congress until the fall. but that didn't stop the wrangling on capitolill today. house demoats pushed ahead with negotiatis trying to get the measure out committee before leaving for smer recess tomorr. house leader nancy pelosi ga her fellow democts talking points to take back their constituents tellinghem health insurae companies must be held accountable. >> we want a strong publ option in the leslation. insurance companies are ou there in fl force carpet bombing, shocknd awe against a blic option. so much so that when yousk people abo the plan. they arencertain about it until you tell them what's i it. >> suzne: meanwhile house minority leader johnoehner warns thatemocrats supporting the legislation will likelhave a very hot smer. joining me now with update on h