this school has become foudia . we have foudia schools everywhere in the whole of northern nigeria. pudia schools. that is, schools based on the islamic movement. so far, 300 foodies are working in nigeria. in addition to elementary and middle school, students in these schools also learn religious teachings . yes, they are of the opinion that underprivileged children, children who are weak. anyway, this is an expression of social rights get there among the religious leaders in nigeria, ibrahim zakzaky is the only one who believes that women can participate in social activities like men. this attitude has made the sister forum association run by the president of zainatuddin ebrahim, sheikh's wife. a collection that is responsible for cultural activities. mu tun farka da aka fara wannan kira din, malan ya nuna cewa addini din dole ana tafiya ne da maza da mata, don haka tun farka shi ye. ba a nan, in fact ma yana daga çinen abin da sukan da shi daga farka ya fara wannan kira din, suna cewa to wani. addinii ne har da mata, mata an sansu su suna zuwa kasuwa, suna zuwa gidan biki, suna z