this pattle may bb better foughh at -3 the local level.... looal leadeer 16:31 we'veealready lost two middle choolerr we & shouldn'' be lossnggour eeementary kids.butt bites cover edit. 16:37 if you commissioner in carrrll county & ommmssioners work to find a solution.. otter counties alreaay have... eeee ome implemenned bans onnsynttetic & arijuana. the ffar being... -if ssmetting isn't donn sooo... ttis potentially deadly deeigner drugs... sold -3 as incenese ann potpoorri... wiil continue to be smooed by childrrn luelees danggrs... beinggfriindd... that it's youth wooll not have even know abbut the &plepola fox 45 news at tee.. - 3 coming up in our o'clock hour... debbting maryland's gun policiess policies.thh controversial bill that's about to go before &pthe state senate. p3 terps football... heading ack - toobaltimoree.he game the team stadium. 3 p(break 3)) did you know that one in five kids comes from a home where food isn't always available? one in five. breakfast is essential in giving our kids the start that they need to