accidents caused by the hidden police and now he's the one who's in deep trouble according to fox news ron martin faces a misdemeanor charge for violating frisco texas sign ordinance that says that you may only stand around holding a sign on private property martin claims that he was doing the exact same thing as a speed limit sign reminding people to slow down and i think ultimately he is right you should be able to tell other people where the police are setting up speed traps because that will cause them to drive more slowly which is the real goal of speed traps in the first place the only reason local authorities would be against this is because they love the income that comes from a nice big pile of speeding tickets i hope that mr martin finds a way to go right back to holding his sign but this time on private property the fascist my opinion. why do you think this is for life on other planets why the truth exists such disregard on the spot one of the things i think that's a human mission to mars will accomplish is to make humans here on earth more sensible about life about life on this planet