-foxworthy: mantis! brian: all legs and arms. foxworthy: yeah, like a praying mantis.ughs ] foxworthy: what kind of a student were you back then? brian: i was a good student. i was kind of the only student. foxworthy: oh, yeah, homeschooled. i guess. brian: yeah, i was homeschooled. foxworthy: the good thing about that is you graduate first in your class. brian: always. every year. every year. foxworthy: getting sent to the principal's office had to be kind of weird. brian: i had to wait till dad got home from work. -it was a delay. -foxworthy: not too good. so, is oklahoma city a good place to grow up? brian: oklahoma city's a great place to grow up. foxworthy: i've been there several times. -i like it. -brian: oh, yeah. foxworthy: so, you're an interior designer? brian: i am. foxworthy: now, what would you do different with this classroom? brian: well, first of all, these overhead lights are pretty harsh. i would get some down-lighting. get a few lamps, definitely an area rug here. a little texture would be nice. foxworthy: a little texture in the classroom. well, we