, by the way, our already almost permanent column called records, french extreme sportsman françois marid dibunurd for the number of jumps star castle in a day, he made 765 jumps from a 40-meter height, an achievement set in a scottish town. it has already been officially confirmed by representatives of the guinness book of records. you set the previous achievement by new zealander mike hurd in 2017, he made 430 jumps in 24 hours, my main question. uh, why and how strong the vestibular apparatus is in these guys. well, apparently green, if you managed to set a record, well, an enviable achievement, of course, you know the record the thing is today it is a record, and tomorrow it will not be, therefore, i propose to talk about the eternal about memory, a unique traveling museum. it is called the train of victory and will run on the belarusian railway from june 10 to july 4; its geography has been significantly expanded compared to last year. the mobile museum will make stops in 17 cities: orsha polotsk vitebsk krichev zhlobina sipovichi. baranovichi luninets pinsk brest grodno kalinkovicha gomel