yeah, my name is fran aitken, i'm from new zealand and the reason i'm here tonight is because i am anow what that means, right? yup, and i'm sure you all know someone who is a space cadet. they're super dreamy and head is always in the clouds and they‘ re constantly late. there's advantages to knowing us. like, for example, i am so good at picking out the perfect birthday present for my friends, and they will get it two months after their actual birthday because i have forgotten it but it's a nice surprise for both of us. if my friends are running late, i will never be mad at them because i'm almost always late as well. it takes a lot of pressure off off me when they are late. but yes, being a space cadet does not sound like a disability, but there are disadvantages. me personally, i struggled at university because secondary school is just a breeze for me because it was so structured and had my parents and teachers kicking me up the ass tell me to when to go to school and went to eat when to come home and went to sleep. university is not like that. you are meant to be disciplined and