she interviewed the infamous curmudgeon, fran lebowitz, and fran lebowitz notoriously hates to leave her apartment, let alone leave new york city. but this author took fran lebowitz camping of all things, like the one thing that fran lebowitz constitutionally could never do, she took her camping. and then, she wrote hysterical piece about the whole thing for the cover of outside magazine. quote, nothing much doing after we get the tent up, so we are sitting around and fran is looking at the pint choice across the middle. i say, how nice it is to sit around and do nothing. fran says you can do nothing in new york too. only there, you get to do it on a sofa. you get the gist. she also followed a pack of basketball groupies around. that was a truly scandalous article. she did an interview with the storied anchorman dan rather that was unlike any other interview with dan rather. it starts, would you consider cosmetic surgery? no, says rather. what if somebody says, well, really, dan, you have bags down here. it happens, says rather, grinning. what is your age? rather says, i'm 113 years