we been planning for -- i been in office about 10 years, fran martin one of the community leaders has been there with us. we been planning for a long time our steets, the hibe prairie, the -- of course our green way, the valley greenway that is known all over the city and it continues down. that planning, that green way is going to influence what happens at slage hock. this community has been involved from the very beginning talking about what they wanted to see and how they wanted to see it. the merchants have been there ault way. we talked about what they needed to have things so that they could work well, what they immediated to make things work while we were cog the -- doing the streetscape. they were right there all the way encouraging people to come and continue to come. i can't say enough about -- about all of the city agencies, a lot of people -- that live -- that work for our city also live in our city. they live in our neighborhoods. they care about the places they work for and they work in. and i think a lot of that, you'll see, as they -- as we go forward, because of all o