fran mccaffrey knows his freshman have the learning curve ahead of them and to get them ready to the battles in the big ten let's say friends being passionate in their practices thus far. the main thing is what he is trying to say in the big picture . >> it's all a learning experience. >> qualified for the state is teams have done on the course. course.sandy sabelka -- our ed thomas coach of the week sandy is our ed thomas coach of "this is kind of my life right now and it's what keeps me going and it kind of gives me a purpose." purpose.""she's pretty much like an after school program that we just go... she takes care of us, she feeds us."but more importantly sabelka has taught them to be thankful .. .."be thankful for everything that you can do. be thankful that you can get up out of bed every morning and be healthy runners have taken that to heart -- -- over the summer, sabelka suddenly lost her husband -- and that's when the team -- rallied around their coach raising 3 thousand dollars for team sabelka "once we all heard we knew we had to do something. we knew we had to let her k