i want you to meet fran oriana. her husband is working right now without pay for dhs. story to tell. listen to this. fran oriana and tristan, thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you so much for having us here. >> your husband works for homeland security. >> he does. >> you had a different job. you had to stop working so you could take care of the baby. now with the shutdown, you don't have any other option because you don't have the money for the child care, and now with the shutdown you're worried how you're going to pay your bills. having a preemie is expensive, having a new house, you have a mortgage payment. >> yes. we have a little bit more of doctors' visits that we need to worry about, we have formula to buy. it's really devastating and i feel like we're not alone in this. there's a lot of families that are going through the same problems. i mean my husband is one of 400,000 that actually have to work, continue work -- continue to work without pay. so there's other that are furloughed. most of his co-workers cannot afford child care either, so some of the