park, a huge park, the statue of frances marion, a statue of john c. calhoun. >> there is a story, i don't know if it is true, about george washington having a lucid dream that he shared with lafayette that the united states was going to win the war of revolution and see the borders of the united states extend all the way to the pacific ocean. is that true or that ms. ology? >> i think that is just methodology. washington certainly looked to the west. he owned 60,000 acres, he had fought to win in the ohio country. generally the midwest, what would later be ohio, indiana, illinois, michigan, wisconsin, washington's certainly hope that the united states would gain that area even after yorktown. washington proposed to rauchambeau a joint invasion of canada, rights to congress, in his letter he talks about all that great land in canada, securing the frontiers, securing the american national security by keeping great brittan out of canada in the postwar years. most southerners, i think, they were quite interested in what they called the southwest, what we