thank you for waiting. >> good afternoon, my name is francesca napolitan. hank and alex couldn't be here today, so it's just me representing the parking and curb management group. i'm here to talk about an effort that they're undertaking. so quickly what is curb management? we're the agency charged with managing the curbs, so we're responsible for regulating the curb, dictating who can use it and when, for what purpose and if they have to pay. before i dive into the strategy and some of our draft recommendations, i wanted to talk about why curb management is important and we as an agency are creating this document. so curb management has been a challenge for a long time in the city. photo on the screen is a picture from the 1970s when the first transit-only lane was implemented. even then, double parking was a problem with the bus having to veer into on coming traffic to get around the cars. jumping ahead to the present day, we're still facing many of the same challenges which negatively impact modes that the agency wants to support, like muni, para transit