yes, they actually noticed international red caist federation, and the president at that time, francesco rocawith vladimir vladimirovich putin, where also spoke about the efficient work of the belarusian red cross, for us it was very honorable for the simple reason that on the other side, on the polish side, not only the red cross there was no one except the military and no one was allowed to visit the migrants at all, remember that was going on, and with us, anyone accredited can go straight to the border strip. to a correspondent from any country, which is what happened, and australia, and japan, and germany, and the united states, england, everyone, everyone, the british, only then wrote, it’s not clear what, that’s another question, but in any case, please come and look , that’s when the polish border guards poisoned migrants with gas, threw stun grenades at them, yes, at sub-zero temperatures they poured water on them, and even with chemicals, but after all, as you correctly noted, they still haven’t died stopped. yes, fifty confirmed cases over 2 years, when they were killed and thrown