the wonderful, the brilliant, the always fabulous, francine carruthers! hello, tippers and dippers! no! yes! hey, you guys! ♪ ♪ the power we perfected is electrically connected ♪ ♪ so use it as directed and expect to be respected ♪ ♪ electric company electric company ♪ ♪ electric company... electric company! ♪ marcus, marcus, marcus... may the best lifelong fan of "tip it or dip it" win. zing! (cackling) that was weak, spamboni. (cackling) marcus, look at me. you're looking at the one-time champion of "friend or ant." yeah, you're like a legend. i know. so i have one piece of advice for you. just forget about your opponents and focus on the pickles. i really do like pickles. "tip it or dip it" contestant's guide. i don't need that. i can play that game in my sleep. i've never seen it. can we still watch? okay. congratulations, contestant, and now let's meet our host for this week, the fabulous francine. hello, contestants! here's how to play "tip it or dip it." ♪ this is a scale. we will put up all the pudding on one side of the scale. the weight of the pudding, which is surprisingl