in 1894 francis crick -- francis kids sits by his father's side. the cheering of crowds. dripping red, white, and blue. and he always said to me from that moment on when i saw that ship, knew what i wanted to do with my life. he pursued that passion until he achieved his goal. he was born in total fee in 1886. his father was a very wealthy financiers who was connected with the whiteners. and after leaving he moved to the mansion. and gibbs was a very shy child. spent most of his time tinkering . his father wanted him to be a lawyer. felt that it was not a stable profession. well, however calamity happens when the family has severe economic reversal. they'll lose their mansion and gibbs is forced to drop out. he basically said, if it was not for the fact that my father -- is my father had not gone bankrupt i would not have had the drive i have today the do it myself. importing his way to colombia and get his law degree. practiced law for one year, hated it and apprenticed himself to a famous admirable @booktv admirable call david taylor. taylor taught him what he needed to