after this little piece of navigation, we'll be in the same class with magellan and francis drake. - well, if they go to college with you why don't you take them on the trip? - we wouldn't have room for the mailbox. - well then i'd leave them home. - well, anyway, when we're in peru, we'll get you the material for a vicua coat. - oh, wonderful. i've always wanted one. i hear they're even softer than cashmere. - they come from a vicua . that's a south american animal kind of like a mountain goat. - well, when you catch one, make sure it has a 28-inch sleeve. - now comes the difficult part. see, i haven't told dad yet. i was trying to put it off 'til the last minute. - well, ronnie, i wouldn't if i were you. you know how your father feels about water. he took me rowing in west lake park once, and he wouldn't get into the boat until he took out extra life insurance. - well, just kiss me goodbye twice, and i'll see that he gets one. - that's hardly a way out, but i'm glad you thought of it. - well, here's some more food boys. - [ronnie] thank you, mrs. morton. - [ralph] thanks a lot. - t