. >> francis gorman, cat hontis. >> good afternoon, miss gorman >> i am francis gorman, i represent the tour guides that work for companies like miss perkins we are talking about enclosed vehicles of preformed groups, these are preformed groups already traveling around the city and they include alamo square as a feature. i opened my paper today and saw a puzzle of alamo square being advertised. san francisco travel has it on the front of its brochures. we are very sensitive, i understand the alamo square concerns, i live in the cal hollow district which is now dealing with google busses coming through so i understand that, but we believe there can be some operation. i would like to say option 2 so that we can at least drive by and show our people without stopping. we completely agree that stopping is unsafe. we believe in the safety issues, we simply wapt to get our people on preformed groups who otherwise will not see alamo square, they come in, they have 3 hours included in their tour, from england, from all over the world, whatever language, they simply will not have time to go on th