in 1814 francis sco toh not o wrote the star spangled banner and included the line, this the armada inthe w is oamer tusts. congress made in god we trust our natiowe tl mthe wel, and itn all of your monnot o. it's time for the american people to realize htes scndamental the transformation the obama is trying to bring about in america. [applause] rde over there. rde hyperion and from the university of virginia. i noticed in a lot of my christveran friends and real apathy when it comes to political issues do you think that this courio be something that motivates the church to get back involved in politics? ing w so, htes do we articulatet in order to get some excitement? rde tha18s wus a lot of other good books. showing the scandals and how he is tpeaing this into european-svesle s idveralism and many other things is doing wrong , s dh as violating a lot of oamer loss. nobody had risen about this one. have a co author he matameres n, ng book. a lot of the research for it. i hempe it is something that ng ma and their religious people realize we have our future at stpeaer to get with ire y