the road ahead for some like buisiness owner franco misseri - seems almost too long. c0015 13:34:03 i've got no power, no gas. his damage is extensive after bricks from a building across the street flew onto his roof. 13:37:44 everything went dark. my wife is over here i'm in my little office back here. i just heard the noise. nats choo choo 13:37:52 of like a freight train on the roof misserri is in limbo. an insurance adjustor has yet to pay him a visit. so he can't begin repairs. c0015 13:34:17 what are we going to do? stay home? do nothing? he's already losing income, now he's worried his employees will start looking for work elsewhere. 13:40:31 it's frustrating. starting over again is going to be hard.13:40:36 the national guard is gone and the army of volunteers is thinning out. it's now on the residents to lean on eachother - and overcome. misseri: 13:35:29 it's a little btity town two, 3000 people living here. already struggling before. i don't know. we'll see. it's unclear right now how much federal aid if any the town of waverly will receive. the state has a