. -- was an assistant to franco roosevelt starting in 1920 and was with him for more than 20 years and was a close friend of the family as well. she lived in the white house when he was president and she became intrigued with film cameras. she would film a number of these at formal pictures and events and luncheons. -- picnics and events and luncheons. movies to herme included in her collection. she had a stroke in 1941 and left the white house and took possessions with her and died several years later it did not become part of the initial library collects with the library was created. her grand nieces decided to donate these films to a library last year and since then we have been going back to the original film, had them transferred and restored and now we are starting to make them available to the public and so this is the first time we have put this whole collection of films online for people to review. >> how many films are in the collection? >> there were 11 different films that they are strangely intercut so there are two hours total. we put 90 minutes online. there are still so