it was designed by francois delos yeah the founder of the machine some 80 people work together to bring the dragon to life metal workers carpenters artists and software programmers and 1st i made a sketch sculpture used it to complete this wooden model so simply served as the prototype for the dragon of calais. then i had to be rendered digitally at. the dragon skin is made up of some 200 individually crafted wooden components. through. well the loss of that blue is a bit more vivid than this one feels. the symbol of the artistic ensemble is a giant elephant regularly takes a stroll around la machines exhibition grounds and no. visitors there can see and experience it along with several other mobile creatures that have been created over the past 20 years. back in cali it takes a crew of 17 people to execute and synchronize the dragons movements. on the beach as it is you stay in line orderly goalies. look out that never let up. farther it will be a bit with the majority of those the cars perfect. a pilot sits inside the head and controls the heads movements and the dragons facial expres