nation known for its laissez faire attitude towards the end zones that is unless you are president francois peron who says he's considering suing the magazine that published those allegations longer according to polls right now is the most unpopular president of france's modern history is reported to be having a secret affair with a popular actress. earlier today the magazine took the story on its website after the actress threatened legal action. the magazine's sales will not be affected the president's secret love as m magazine claims of these images show francois i don't at the apartment of this actress love his face is obscured. unit seven page read the magazine claims to expose of the president's bodyguards at the same residence called me up to the was it to get a ride. judy guy a is the actress at the center of the allegations an established film and tv star who appeared in an election commercials and is still unknown. she hasn't commented on the allegations she has threatened legal action. it's that way. as has the president to slashdot of the media for invading his privacy. holland is in