frank birgfeld: and we really think the searchers were here.w, it's like, darn, how did that happen? keith morrison: probably, said the detectives, her killer buried her five years earlier, way back in 2007 when she first disappeared. and eventually, what was left of her was unearthed by a heavy spring runoff. and so, said da hautzinger. here we go. this is what i've been waiting for. now we need to really put the pedal to the metal and make a critical decision. keith morrison: so now, finally with a body, investigators once again attempted to fashion a murder case against one of the eight possible suspects. the two ex-husbands, rob dixon and ron biegler, had what looked like solid alibis, what with both their cell phones being hundreds of miles away when paige was kidnapped and killed. so that left the six clients. of course, lester ralph jones was at the top of the list. but george carluccio, remember him? carluccio was the alternate suspect that gave me as the da heartburn and concerns. keith morrison: that's because carluccio's alibi was so