for this second telecast, frank borman has fixed the tv camera on a bracket below his window and hast faces the earth. here is communications coming through from the apollo. >> you're seeing the atmosphere, i can see the southwestern part of the united states and it appears now that the east coast is cloudy. >> apollo 8 around christmas of 1968 showed us the craters of the moon and then showed us the earth at the same time. and spoke to us. they read the book of genesis. >> god said let the waters of the heaven be gathered together into one place. and let the dry land appear. and it was so. and god called the dry land earth. and the gathering together of the waters called he seas. god saw that it was good. and from the crew of apollo 8, meshry christmas and god bless all of you, all of you on the good earth. >> the far side of the moon and the earthrise for the first time seen by human eyes as well as the television broadcast from orbit of the moon, i'm sorry, on christmas eve? holy smokes, who wrote that? who is the genius that wrote that script? pretty dang good. >> 1968 was a toug